Winter Roofing

Get Your Commercial Roof Ready for Winter

Get Your Commercial Roof Ready for Winter

Expert New Roof Installation - Winter Roofing

Preparing your commercial building’s roof for winter is just as important as it is for your home’s roof. Commercial and residential properties serve different purposes, but, both require care and attention to protect your investment and the people and property who use the structures regularly. If you are familiar with the home improvement aspects of roof maintenance, some items on this list may feel familiar to you, with a few important differences.

Read on to learn about preparing your commercial roof for the winter months with these winter roofing tips.


As fall nears its end and winter is about to begin, your commercial roof requires a good cleaning to remove piles of leaves and debris. Commercial buildings typically have flatter roofs. Leaving water, piles of mucky wet leaves, and other debris may lead to leaks and other issues once the temperature drops below zero. Cleaning your roof will give you a clear view to inspect for damages and make necessary repairs.

Make Obvious Repairs

After cleaning your commercial roof, it is time to take a closer look at it and make any necessary repairs, major or minor. Making timely repairs can save you time and money and alleviate stress in the long run.

Check Surroundings

Look for anything that may cause damage to the roof of your building, such as overhanging or low tree branches. Snow and ice add weight to surfaces where it collects. Snow-covered tree branches are at a higher risk of breaking and damaging your roof.

Clean & Inspect Gutters

Gutters are a critical component of a commercial roof. Commercial roofs can suffer from major damage and potentially cause expensive issues inside and outside the building without proper water flow through the gutter system. It is imperative to check gutters to ensure they are free from debris. In addition to debris clearing, it is important to ensure that gutter joints are in good condition and that gutter angles are set correctly and not clogged.

Create a Snow and Ice Removal Plan

Snow and ice in winter create hazardous situations for commercial properties. A snow and ice removal plan is essential for winter months. Having a plan that follows strict safety guidelines for yourself, your employees, customers, vendors, or anyone coming and going to your property is vital. Snow and Ice removal for your roof is critical due to the added weight and the potential for ice and snow creating more liability issues for commercial property.

Hiring a licensed and insured contractor is a viable option for a snow and ice removal plan.

Schedule an Inspection

Scheduling a professional roof inspection before the winter months can increase your chances of catching minor issues before they become extensive, costly, or dangerous problems. A professional inspection can also inform you if your roof coating needs repair or replacement. Applying the right kind of roof coating can extend the life of your roof.

Roof Evolution

We have over 25 years of experience providing roofing maintenance services in Denver. We are here to help you with professional roofing inspections and winter roof care as you prepare for snow and ice this winter. We have experience with both residential and commercial roofing needs. If you need an inspection, repairs, or more information about roofing services from a Colorado roofing company, please contact us today!

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